Mike has his World Trade Organization symposium this weekend. He had to meet people at the Hilton and since it was still in the 50's when I got home from work, Collin and I decided to accompany him.
Some of you have wondered why Collin is almost 4 months old and we've only fed him breastmilk. The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends exclusive breast-feeding until 6 months of age before adding solids. Breast milk has been proven to be superior to formula in a variety of ways. These include decreasing incidence of infectious disease and SIDS in infants and lowering the rate of diabetes, obesity, asthma, and allergies in these babies when they grow into adulthood. Studies also show that breast-fed babies show enhanced performance on tests of cognitive development. It also provides a natural analgesic during shots. You can read more
While breast-feeding is not (or even a choice) for everyone, it's what we're sticking with for now. In a few months we look forward to having mashed bananas in our hair!