Collin had a great weekend with Grammy who braved holiday and Cornell graduation traffic to get to and from Ithaca. She took care of our hero from dawn to dusk which allowed his parents to catch up on sleep and studying as well as go out together twice. She practiced his sitting with him too and now he can sit up by himself for longer periods of time. He also recently discovered his feet!
Mike was voted class speaker and he did an amazing job writing and delivering his speech. (Click on STUDENT SPEAKERS and then Mike's name.) He also took Collin across stage with him during the ceremony.
While his dad studied for finals, Collin and I attended a party for the cast and crew of the dance show, Spoglia. It was hosted at Jumay's house in the country. The drive to her house was spectacular. Collin finally was able to meet some of the cast, crew and choreographers. I had shamelessly put a different picture of him at the bottom of the cast notes I posted daily, so they had already seen a lot of him! Unfortunately I parked in a muddy spot so we waited for Jumay's husband to use his tractor to kindly tow us out. I don't think there's a better place to be "stuck" than at Jumay's house while awaiting rescue. Collin was in good spirits for the entire adventure.
...Collin or the size of his toys. We've officially hit the stage where Collin's toys take up as much (if not more) space than our furniture. And judging from his reactions to these new toys, it looks like they are here to stay.