Friday, October 31, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

At Home In The O.P.


A couple of weekends ago we travelled about 45 minutes west to the quaint town of St. Charles. The river town holds its Scarecrow Festival every fall. Along with the essential craft fairs, carney rides, and nascar simulator, a block-wide park is turned into a scarecrow showcase to through which to wander. For prizes, local groups and businesses enter scarecrows dressed up as everything under the sun including the ubiquitous Jonas Brothers. Even out here Mommy can't escape them.  The most meta was the scarecrow dressed at the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.

Collin didn't have much interest in the straw people, but he loved dancing in the music tent. The crowd was a bit much for us so we headed south and visited Geneva, another cute town along the Fox River.

This past Sunday we went northwest to a farm/park to go on a hayride with our friends the DeMarcos.  Collins hat is compliments of Great Aunt MJ.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Here is Collin with his friend, Baby David looking at the fish at the Oak Park Library. Mommy and Collin met David and his nice Mommy, Lynda, at their Monday class.  Lynda and her husband have lived in Oak Park for 10 years so Mommy thanks them for paying the obscenely high taxes to fund the fancy library.  David is a sweetheart and about a month younger than Collin.

Dude News:
  • Walking while hanging onto his new push wagon
  • Occasionally eating solids
  • Babbling like the village madman
  • Getting a dose of sleep training (stay tuned for results...)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mommy's View

Monday, October 6, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Quest For Solids 2

Mommy and Baba try so hard to get Collin to eat solids. We get the same reaction when we try to get him to go to sleep. Until he eats solids Mommy has to nurse all 26 pounds of him. He is the most stubborn person we have ever met. We wonder where he gets it...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hangin' In the O.P.

Collin has taken to riding in his stroller with one leg casually draped over the bar of his stroller. After awhile he switches legs. He is such a cool baby.