Saturday, January 30, 2010

Potty Time

Collin is very interested in the potty. He likes everything about it except actually using it. He enjoys the sitting, pulling of the tp, and washing his hands afterwards. Unfortunately just seconds after he sits down he says, "I done. Bye, Potty!".

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy 12th Day of Christmas

Three Christmases (maybe he'll finally be impressed next year):
Check out his toes on the pillow:

Dude News
  • Knows the alphabet (except G) and points out letters wherever we go.
  • Says, "I night" when he's tired and "I done" when he's done eating which unfortunately is usually after only a couple of bites.
  • Starting to know his opposites, especially up/down.
  • Has made up a nickname for mommy, "Bey" and says "Hi Bey!" every morning when she takes him out of his crib.
  • Now that Christmas is over says "Santa" and seems to be a fan.
  • His fetus sibling is a wild gymnast whose antics can be seen from the outside of Mommy's tummy.

Monday, January 4, 2010

RIP Canon

The day after Christmas our camera stopped working so these may be some of the last images taken from it. Now we have to decide: get it fixed or finally figure out how to use the fancy professional camera Pops gave us...