Monday, June 28, 2010

Out and About

Collin and Rosemary's cousin Addy was born last weekend. They can't wait to meet her!

Dude News:
  • Just about passed out from the block party fun last weekend
  • Calls Diet Coke "mommy water"
  • Taking a Gameball class with Baba
  • Is a really great "heper" with the baby
  • Loves dancing and singing
  • Tells Romy where we're going whenever we put her in her carseat
Romy News:
  • Weighs 10 pounds, 14 ounces
  • Starting to make cooing noises
  • Fills diapers like a pro

Romy, currently a redhead:
Father's Day concert in the park:

She's stern but fair:
Romy's favorite place to sleep:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Double Appointment

Last Friday Collin had his 2 1/2 year and Romy had her 1 month doctor appointments. Collin is super healthy as usual. He is 36 pounds (95th percentile) and 3 feet, 1 inch tall (90th percentile). Romy is 9 pounds, 14 ounces (50th percentile) and 20 inches (25th percentile). Though eating well and gaining weight, Mommy has concerns about Romy's distress during digestion. The doctor is not too concerned, but we're keeping close tabs on her.
Here are Romy and Collin in the same outfits at about the same age. Collin has a more distinct chin, but their eyes are very similar:

Sunday In The Park With Dude

Two Sundays ago we went to Rehm Park where the mini-trains were up and running. Collin wanted to do nothing but ride them and watch the other kids on them.

This is how Romy travels nowadays while her brother rides the rails:

Riding with a little help from Baba:

Later we went to meet Audrey's new baby brother Henry (AKA Hank the Tank) who was born 9 days after Rosemary.

Collin loves to give hugs:
Proud Papas:
Babies discussing baby things:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Enough little sistery stuff, back to Our Hero.

Collin has suddenly become very interested in baseball which he calls, gameball. So when our dear friend Bryn came to visit 2 weeks before Rosemary was born, she, Collin, and Baba took a trip to Wrigley Field. Not only are Collin and Bryn both Ithaca babies, but they attended their first professional baseball game together. Collin received a suitable-for-framing certificate celebrating this occasion from guest resources, but Bryn declined the offer.

Collin sat on laps the whole time and was really good. He lasted through the 7th inning stretch and loved cheering with every base hit. However, the cheers from the homeruns were too much for him and he did not appreciate people who dropped their peanut shells on the ground.
Cotton candy is good!
Something else was not-so-good. (LA fans: note Baba's Farmer's Market T!)
Why Mommy stayed home:
Celebrating over ice cream at Oberweis that evening.