Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Birthday Videos

Some of Collin's phrases and news of late:
  • (We MUST do something because) "It's in my brain now"
  • "Good eyepatch"instead of "Good eye"
  • Saying in a tiny voice "I'm ok" whenever he drops his "girlfriend" Milly doll.
  • "Everyday is a Cuddle Day".
  • He wants to take Milly to see the Fresh Beat Band.
Here are some videos of Romy's birthday morning.  Mama (Romy calls Mommy "Mama" while Collin sticks with "Mommy") made strawberry cupcakes for the second year in the row.  This is an amazing recipe.  Also, along with grilled meat, strawberries are Romy's favorite food.

Summer Lovein'

Friday, May 25, 2012


For you Collin completests out there, here is the rest of his performance at school.  This was the first song before he really hit his stride:


Thursday, May 24, 2012


Here's Collin's class performing at the last day of preschool picnic:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Mama's Day

Mother's Day and Romy's birthday fell on the same day this year so we mostly celebrated Romy's birthday on Saturday.  Sunday we went to church where Collin performed a mother's day song with the other kids.  Then we were off to Arlington Heights to have a BBQ with the DeMarcos.

 Mommy's beautiful goddaughter, Delaney:

Let's Go Fly a Kite!

On Saturday we met up with our friend Sam at the Chicago Kite Festival on Cricket Hill in Lincoln Park.  NATO and the Mayor got together to sponsor free kites for the kids.  

Collin drew a rocketship driving a car on his kite: