Monday, November 3, 2008

Host With The Most

Collin hosted his first play date today.  He made a late entrance since he was still napping during the first 1/2 hour.  But he had a lot of fun when he joined the other boys.  Mommy made pumpkin whoopie pies with cream cheese filling for the adults.  The other babies ate cheerios, but our dude was not interested.  

Having received packages with treats  from Charleston, State College, and Cape May (with gifts for Mommy and Daddy too!) last week, Collin had a lot to share.  Plus the DeMarcos and the Andersons gave him some great toys over the weekend.  What a lucky baby!

1 comment:

  1. I'm just catching up on my Collin blog. I love pumpkin whoopie pies...and what a lucky guy to get to go to Grant Park on election day. I'm sure that will be those *I was there but don't remember stories*.
