There were several stand-out moments this weekend. Probably the most exciting was living out our own mid-life suburban version of Brewster's Millions.
Baba realized that we still have hundreds of dollars left in our health care savings account that needs to be spent by the end of the fiscal year or we lose it. So we loaded ourselves into the Passat, hit the Starbucks drive-thru, and high-tailed it to the closest CVS.
It wouldn't be exaggerating to report that Mommy and Baba were giddy as they willy-nilly swept every kind of OTC drug into the cart. Mommy felt like maybe she SHOULD attend the Real Wives of Chicago open casting call after she decadently chose the most expensive 1-second digital ear thermometer. We left with so much merch that we needed a shopping cart to get to the car! After loading it all onto storage shelves, our basement looks like the prop room for Breaking Bad.
And there's still more left to spend. Visions of sunscreen (SPF 30+ only qualify), prescription sunglasses, and dental cleanings dance in our heads...
Other recent developments in the Lloydhorst household:
- Collin has a new pair of 7 Extra Wides.
- Collin learned how to drink from and create bubbles with a straw.
- Collin climbed up and went down the slide by himself!
- Baba took our dude into his first bouncy castle with rave reviews.

I'm sure this bar he's mouthing is completely sanitary:

Good shot of his Rod Stewardish hairdo:

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