Romy has had several severe episodes of croup, the worst being at the end of January last year. We've been able to treat lesser symptoms ourselves with oral steroids (that's right, Romy juices) but last Sunday they didn't cut it. She woke up with her chest caving in as she gasped for breath so Mommy had Baba call 911. The ambulance came and took us to the closest hospital to get her breathing under control with some breathing treatments. Collin slept through all the commotion and neighbors stayed with him so Baba could meet us. Then it was back to the PICU (another ambulance ride--they're not expensive, right?) at Loyola where the nurses and doctors remembered us from
last year.

After a rough night of more steroids, Romy was on the mend, drowning her troubles in oreos.

Maybe she will have out-grown this by NEXT January...
Poor, poor Romy! And poor Mommy and Baba! I also drown my sorrows in Oreos, though, so I know that can help. I will be praying that you guys never end up in the PICU again!