Saturday, February 19, 2011

9 Months

Romy News:
  • 2 bottom center teeth are in
  • Says "Baba" and "Mama"
  • Hates her crib (meanwhile Collin doesn't like anyone else in his big boy bed)
  • Likes eating solids
  • Claps and waves
Thanks to Thea and Emma J. for this cute Valentine dress!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

(Insert Cheesy Blizzard Name Here) 2011

Snowmageddon? Snowpocalypse? Tsnownami?

When Mommy asked Baba why it didn't seem like all that much snow, he reminded her it's because she lived in Ithaca:

Croupier (actually just Croupy)

Here is our poor Romers at the beginning of last week:
And here she is yesterday:Romy has been to the ER twice in the last week for croup which closed down her airways. It was very scary but we are so thankful for the awesome neighbors on our block and Grammy who flew out at a moment's notice to help us. Romy will be seeing an ear, nose, and throat specialist to make sure there is not some underlying condition that makes her bouts of croup so severe. Right now though, she is healthy and happy--just don't go near her with a stethoscope!